U.S. Navy Retired Police Officer Liberty County S.W.A.T.

James' Story
James Clark is a Vietnam veteran and retired police officer. He first served in Vietnam in 1966-1967 in the United States Navy. He left Vietnam for the last time in October of 1969 and returned home to the state of Texas. He was sick and suffering from exposure to Agent Orange.
But, he never regretted his service to our country, “I did what I thought was my duty. I was there when Lyndon Johnson gave the allied forces the order to stop bombing, basically calling a truce, but the next few days… we were just about run over! They (the Vietcong) swarmed us! I am lucky I got out alive.”
For the remainder of Clark’s career, he served as a Liberty County Sherriff’s deputy, a S.W.A.T. officer and a constable.
After years of suffering from Agent Orange and complications from diabetes, Clark retired. He has been in a constant struggle with the VA to keep his wheelchair in working condition and/or to provide competent rehab solutions. Wheelchairs for Warriors answered the call of duty and provided Clark with a complex-rehab mobility solution that enables him to function around his own home and Roll Strong!
“This new chair will mean the difference between me moving around my home or just staying in bed.” –James Clark, USN