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Together we can give a better life to the warriors who gave so much for us.
Touch a life by donating $22 every month.

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Serving warriors is our mission! With your support, we provide veterans and first responders who have been critically injured the line of duty with customized mobility solutions (wheelchairs) that meet their physical and lifestyle needs to ensure our warriors rejoin their lives at the highest level of independence and freedom possible.

Many times the wheelchairs our warriors receive from their healthcare providers are subpar (at best). Some are falling apart... and there is a years-long waiting list for a new one. This not only causes them a tremendous amount of stress, it also creates a burden for their caregivers who struggle with the transportation of heavy, bulky chairs. The limitation of mobility can lead to deep depression for these heroes who have sacrificed so much for all of us.


Some of our warriors need all-terrain wheels to get out and enjoy the outdoors or adaptive sports chairs so they can play sports (and/or compete in the Para Olympics!) 


The average price for a wheelchair is $12,000, with some wheelchairs costing as much as $65,000. We custom fit each wheelchair to the specific physical and lifestyle needs of our recipients. These warriors have sacrificed so much for us, they deserve to have the freedom, independence and enhanced quality of life our mobility solutions provide!


Before Wheelchairs for Warriors came along, many of our recipients were distraught, depressed and feeling isolated. Many were unable to get around their own homes, maneuver the great outdoors, go to the parks or beaches with their wives and families, or play an adaptive sport. The burden was also shared by their caretakers having to assist them with their heavy, bulky, inadequate wheelchairs. Thanks to our supporters and charitable donations, they are able to enjoy more independence and a better quality of life.


We have warriors waiting to get their custom-fit, complex-mobility wheelchairs. You or your organization can SPONSOR A WHEELCHAIR and serve these warriors so they can regain their independence and ability to ROLL STRONG!

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We are very grateful to all of our W4W supporters who graciously partner with us to make this mission possible. Our efforts together give veterans and first responders in need a life of mobility they may not otherwise enjoy.

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POB 911 - Livingston, TX 77351

POB 2911 - League City, TX 77574


2031 Anders Ln., Ste. G

Kemah, TX 77565

Call Crystal Laramore

Executive Director:


Wheelchair Donations:


Crystal Laramore

Executive Director:

Wheelchair Donations:

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